NiXPS Library File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
NTypes.hHeader file for common NiXPS Library types
NOContentStreamNavigator.hHeader file for NOContentStreamNavigator class
NOCoreProperties.hHeader file for NOCoreProperties class
NODocument.hHeader file for NODocument class
NOException.hHeader file for NOException class
NOFont.hHeader file for NOFont class
NOFontVector.hHeader file for NOFontVector class
NOImage.hHeader file for NOImage class
NOImageVector.hHeader file for NOImageVector class
NOPackage.hHeader file for NOPackage class
NOPage.hHeader file for NOPage class
NOPartWithResources.hHeader file for NOPartWithResources class
NOProgressReporter.hHeader file for NOProgressReporter class
NOString.hHeader file for NOString class
NOThumbnail.hHeader file for NOThumbnail class
NOVector.hHeader file for NOVector class
NOXArcSegment.hHeader file for the NOXArcSegment class
NOXCanvas.hHeader file for the NOXCanvas class
NOXClrIntMode.hHeader file for the NOXClrIntMode class
NOXCP_Brush.hHeader file for the NOXCP_Brush class
NOXCP_Geometry.hHeader file for the NOXCP_Geometry class
NOXCP_GradientStops.hHeader file for the NOXCP_GradientStops class
NOXCP_LinkTargets.hHeader file for the NOXCP_LinkTargets class
NOXCP_Resources.hHeader file for the NOXCP_Resources class
NOXCP_Transform.hHeader file for the NOXCP_Transform class
NOXCP_Visual.hHeader file for the NOXCP_Visual class
NOXDashCap.hHeader file for the NOXDashCap class
NOXDocumentReference.hHeader file for the NOXDocumentReference class
NOXEdgeMode.hHeader file for the NOXEdgeMode class
NOXFillRule.hHeader file for the NOXFillRule class
NOXFixedDocument.hHeader file for the NOXFixedDocument class
NOXFixedDocumentSequence.hHeader file for the NOXFixedDocumentSequence class
NOXFixedPage.hHeader file for the NOXFixedPage class
NOXGlyphs.hHeader file for the NOXGlyphs class
NOXGradientStop.hHeader file for the NOXGradientStop class
NOXImageBrush.hHeader file for the NOXImageBrush class
NOXLinearGradientBrush.hHeader file for the NOXLinearGradientBrush class
NOXLineCap.hHeader file for the NOXLineCap class
NOXLineJoin.hHeader file for the NOXLineJoin class
NOXLinkTarget.hHeader file for the NOXLinkTarget class
NOXMappingMode.hHeader file for the NOXMappingMode class
NOXMatrixTransform.hHeader file for the NOXMatrixTransform class
NOXMLPartBased.hHeader file for NOXMLPartBased class
NOXPageContent.hHeader file for the NOXPageContent class
NOXPath.hHeader file for the NOXPath class
NOXPathFigure.hHeader file for the NOXPathFigure class
NOXPathGeometry.hHeader file for the NOXPathGeometry class
NOXPolyBezierSegment.hHeader file for the NOXPolyBezierSegment class
NOXPolyLineSegment.hHeader file for the NOXPolyLineSegment class
NOXPolyQuadraticBezierSegment.hHeader file for the NOXPolyQuadraticBezierSegment class
NOXRadialGradientBrush.hHeader file for the NOXRadialGradientBrush class
NOXResourceDictionary.hHeader file for the NOXResourceDictionary class
NOXSolidColorBrush.hHeader file for the NOXSolidColorBrush class
NOXSpreadMethod.hHeader file for the NOXSpreadMethod class
NOXStyleSimulations.hHeader file for the NOXStyleSimulations class
NOXSweepDirection.hHeader file for the NOXSweepDirection class
NOXTileMode.hHeader file for the NOXTileMode class
NOXViewUnits.hHeader file for the NOXViewUnits class
NOXVisualBrush.hHeader file for the NOXVisualBrush class
NTCorePropertyType.hHeader file for core property types
NTError.hHeader file for error types
NTImageFormat.hHeader file for image types
NOContentStreamNavigator.cppImplementation of the NOContentStreamNavigator class
NOCoreProperties.cppImplementation of the NOCoreProperties class
NODocument.cppImplementation of the NODocument class
NOFont.cppImplementation of the NOFont class
NOFontVector.cppImplementation of the NOFontVector class
NOImage.cppImplementation of the NOImage class
NOImageVector.cppImplementation of the NOImageVector class
NOPackage.cppImplementation of the NOPackage class
NOPage.cppImplementation of the NOPage class
NOPartWithResources.cppImplementation of the NOPartWithResources class
NOProgressReporter.cppImplementation of the NOProgressReporter class
NOString.cppImplementation of the NOString class
NOThumbnail.cppImplementation of the NOThumbnail class
NOVector.cppImplementation of the NOVector class

Generated on Mon Sep 24 15:01:45 2007 for NiXPS Library by  doxygen 1.5.3